Common Treatments
Anxiety & Depression, Self Confidence
Anxiety can be crippling! It can completely put your day or life on hold and is incredibly frustrating. I'm proud to specialize in anxiety, helping people overcome their fears and learn the tools to tackle any obstacle that may arise in the future!
Self esteem is the internal estimate you have of yourself.
Having high self esteem means you have a high regard for yourself while low self esteem means you perceive no value of yourself.
People with high self esteem are usually people who are happy and feel confident. It is not about bragging about what you have or your accomplishments, but it is taking stock of what kind of person you are.
Feeling self confident is an important trait of every individual because it influences and sometimes even determines success in your personal life and in your career. Having a high self esteem means you respect yourself, and it is
most often the reason why others respect you.
A person with high self esteem will do the right thing even if exposed to the
wrong set of people. A confident person will not follow what other people are doing because he has his own ideas of what is right and wrong.
Self esteem grows on you, depending on how you were treated as a child.
If you were encouraged or praised by your family while growing up, then
you will probably feel confident when you become an adult.
Feeling confident in your life grows and diminishes with time and experiences.
Hypnotherapy works on the many factors leading to a person who is dealing with low self confidence or low self esteem.

Subconscious Weight Loss
"It really works!"
A Hypnosis Weight Loss Program
When tending to your garden, if you pull weeds but leave the root, eventually the weeds will come back. The root cause of your weight issues are where real change comes from. My methods provide fast, effective results.
The programs I use will allow you to clear emotional blocks or pains in relation to eating in your past and will fully motivate you to live a healthy lifestyle and subconsciously make the right choices, eat the right amounts and quickly look and feel like a lighter, happier you.
Subconscious Weight loss hypnosis is a powerful, diet free way to lose weight. Use my program along with my experience, knowledge and training to understand the emotional root causes of uncontrolled eating and lack of motivation.
Suggestions alone for eating less, or for exercising more, without removing the root cause of the problem will enable the "weeds" to grow back again. Get in touch today for more info or to book your session and start living the life of your dreams!

Quit Smoking Now!
Hypnosis is the most successful method available for quitting smoking.
You are in control. There is no person, thought or event that will ever cause you to smoke again! No longer will you ever take that poison into your body for you are in control!
A study presented October 22, 2007 at the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians found that hypnosis was more than twice as effective as quitting "cold turkey," and over three times as effective as nicotine replacement therapy.
Statistics about quit smoking aids;
Those who quit going cold turkey have a 4% success rate.
Those who quit using patch or gum have a 6% success rate
Those who quit using drugs like Champex have a 12% success rate
Those who quit using hypnosis have an 85% success rate.
1/2 pack per day costs $2200.00 per year
Full pack per day costs $4400.00 per year
Research has shown that a single session of hypnosis has a 12% success rate while 4 sessions achieves an 85% success rate.
Maintaining a smoking habit is very expensive and you can use that money in much better places. Perhaps a beach vacation, pay off those credit cards or pay off that mortgage.!
But Will Hypnosis Last?
In a study, “Hall and Crasilneck” used a four hypnosis session protocol for smoking cessation. Eighty two percent of the people that responded to their follow-up survey had not smoked a single cigarette since the fourth session! They sent the surveys out between one and four years later, indicating hypnosis for smoking cessation is effective long-term.

Fears & Phobias
These types of fears are situations where a person harbors irrational fears about something that, in reality, poses little or no danger. People often refer to these reactions as fears, phobias or anxiety interchangeably, and they all respond very quickly and positively to hypnotherapy protocols designed to work with fears.
Phobias often develop during childhood and become aggravated during adulthood (although they can develop in adult years) and people often carry them around for decades, unaware of the fact that they can easily be eliminated using hypnosis. The fears are usually unreasonably exaggerated; when you have a phobia you feel as though you have no control over those feelings, in spite of knowing on a conscious level that the fear is irrational.
Phobias bring about feelings of fear and anxiety and really inconvenience the victim by limiting their activities as they build their life “around” the phobia. If left untreated, phobias can lead to further detrimental effects, incapacitating the victim in situations that trigger the fears.
There are several types of phobias including:
Natural environment phobias – fear of heights, storms, water, darkness, etc.
Animal phobias – fear of snakes, cockroaches, spiders, frogs, dogs, etc.
Blood-injection-injury phobias – fear of injury, shots, injections in hospitals, fear of blood etc.
Situational phobias – fear of flying, dentists, driving, tunnels, and bridges, and social situations such as speaking in public, dating, and so on.
Regardless of the type of phobia, they are all formed in the same way in the mind, and they all release in a similar way, using protocols designed for fears, phobias and anxiety, under the direction of an expertly trained hypnotherapist.
Phobias are actually examples of the mind “mis-wiring” two unassociated things together, creating an erroneous association between the object (dog, bee, audience, etc.) and the feeling (the fear reaction). The irrationality of the fear or phobia is easy to see, since prior to developing the phobia many people had no fear of the particular thing or situation at all, so they understand that the object that triggers their fear is not inherently dangerous or frightening. And yet, until the association in their mind is released, they do not feel that they have control over experiencing the fear reaction. This lack of control leads to a fear of feeling the fear itself, and this can become more limiting than the original fear of the trigger.
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that helps you create change in your life very quickly. Although drug addiction is generally more complex than stop smoking, Hypnosis can help you in a number of ways. You can desensitize triggers, reduce cravings, as well as managing underlying emotional distress, trauma and depression.
Addiction can be very deeply ingrained: it forms part of the picture you hold of yourself, becoming part of your identity. Hypnosis is a way of reaching and changing these underlying pictures. Hypnosis can make you feel better without drugs and reduce the effects of withdrawal and in time, creating a sense of wholeness.
Types of Addictions include:
Opioids (like heroin)
Prescription drugs (sedatives, Opioids, or anxiolytics like sleeping pills and tranquilizers)
Cannabis (marijuana)
Amphetamines (like methamphetamine, known as meth)
InhalantsKleptomania (compulsive stealing)
Pyromania (compulsive setting of fires)
Food (eating)
Pornography (attaining, viewing)
Using computers / the internet
Playing video games
Spiritual / Religious obsession
Pain (seeking)

Anger Management
When an individual becomes angry, their heart rate and blood pressure increases as chemicals such as adrenalin are pumped through their body. Releasing this tension (often verbally or physically) may accompany these physical changes. However some individuals may not release this tension and suppress their anger. This usually leads to a build up of emotions causing them to ‘explode’ when it all becomes too much.
The goal of anger management is to control both the emotional feelings and physiological arousal that anger creates. Recognising anger and learning to express it in the correct way can help individuals handle emergencies and solve problems easier. The key is to learn how to react calmly when something causes those feelings of anger, without lashing out, shouting or becoming violent.
Symptoms of anger can include:
- aggressive behaviour
- hostility
- explosive outbursts
- social withdrawal due to anger
- verbal or physical abuse
- tense muscles
- clenched jaw.
Causes of anger
Anger can be caused by both internal and external events and if it starts to interfere with an individual’s everyday life and relationships, help should be sought. Some of the most common causes of anger include frustration, hurt, threats, annoyance, harassment and disappointment. Other physical conditions found to initiate anger can be fatigue, hunger, hormonal conditions and sexual frustration. Each person is different and may react to certain conditions more than others.
Together we will work to develop the skills to understand and change the way you think about anger. Sometimes there are underlying subconscious issues that need to be addressed and dealt with through powerful tools including Regression work and Parts Therapy. This allows you to release the emotional hold on a past trauma or event.
Sports Performance
Effective, Quick, Permanent: Hypnotherapy for sports performance works in a number of ways, including creating and improving muscle memory, helping with performance anxiety and changing perception.
Improve your Golf swing or help execute your dives more precisely, hypnotherapy can help in a wide range of sports and hobbies including:
​Many more!
New, amateur or professional levels.
Effective with ALL AGES!

Relationship Healing
1. Are you making the same mistakes in your relationships that you have made before?
2. Are you attracting the same type of relationships that were unsatisfying in the past?
3. Do you feel unworthy of a healthy loving relationship
4. Do you have a hard time communicating in your relationship?
5. Are your relationships unhealthy?
6. Do you have unresolved issues with a friend or family member.
Hypnotherapy and NLP can get to the source of the thoughts and feelings that are getting in the way of your relationships. We are the products of our past experiences. We often don't realize that others trigger feelings and responses in us that are old responses and feelings that came from previous relationships. Those relationships include parents, siblings, friends and enemies. Hypnosis will help you sort out the old, useless responses allowing you to enjoy your present experiences. Our subconscious mind holds onto all our feelings and experiences from the past that can often get in the way of our present relationships. Hypnosis is the fastest, most effective way to communicate effectively with the unconscious mind.
We attract what we think about and focus on. We attract people who are like us, who have similar values to us. Sometimes, by default, we attract those people who have qualities we don't like in ourselves, because that's what we focus upon. When we focus on our negative traits, we attract people with those negative traits. When you have unhealthy relationships, it is often because you have unhealthy thoughts or ideas about what relationships should be. Or, sometimes you have fears about what relationships will be. WHAT YOU FOCUS ON, IS WHAT YOU ATTRACT! Change your thoughts, focus on what you want...not what you don't want, in a partner, and watch to see who you attract.
Often relationships suffer as a result of our stress and negative thoughts and emotions. If you have love, a home, at least 1 friend, you have plenty to be grateful about. Feeling grateful will help balance all negative stress in your life...if you allow it. If you only focus on what you don't have, you will get more of it and feel worse about it. You cannot control the world...but you CAN control the way you respond to it. You cannot control other people, but you can control how you allow them to effect you. You are the creator of your thoughts. If you don't allow yourself to see the beauty in your life and appreciate your partner, your relationship will suffer.
Hypnosis can help you to release anger, stress and negative thoughts...all of which have a profound affect on your relationships.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Treatments with Positive, Long Lasting Results
The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome through hypnotherapy can be an effective way to provide you with excellent results that are long lasting. Many scientists have labeled hypnosis as the treatment of choice for irritable bowel syndrome. The relaxation hypnosis provides helps increase blood flow to your stomach, therefore improving digestion. Also, dealing with habitual stress triggers helps to ease your "nervous stomach".
Reasons to treat IBS with hypnosis:
Positive Results in 80% of People
Improves Digestion
Increased Movement of Food
These treatments are backed by decades of scientific research and we are dedicated to providing each of our customers with these effective treatments, as well as professional and caring service. Don't live with the discomfort of irritable bowel syndrome any longer.

There are all sorts of reasons why we procrastinate. None of those reasons are important. The real trick is focus on achieving and not focusing on not procrastinating.
Often, the habit of procrastinating is a fear of success or fear of not being needed.
Fear of success – we all live in a certain social/economic zone in our lives and as we approach the limit of what is comfortable for us, we can sometimes subconsciously sabotage our own efforts. For example, a salesman whose income has steadily risen over time may get to the point where his family and friends feel uncomfortable around him. He can subconsciously know this and self sabotage to bring himself back into a comfort zone.
Fear of not being needed – for some people feel that if they complete the project or endeavor they have undertaken, then they won’t be needed any more and so procrastinate to avoid finishing.
Although it takes hard work, dealing with the root cause of the issue means you can feel better about your life moving forward. Choose this program for a variety of mental health issues and feel better now!

Mindful Living & Self Exploration
Why practice these things? Simple. To life a happier, more fulfilling life.
Mindfulness is the moment to moment awareness of our experience as it unfolds, or as a Perspectives on Psychological Science study describes:
"the nonjudgmental awareness of experiences in the present moment."
Even though the academic research on mindfulness meditation isn't as robust as, say, nutrition or exercise, there is a reason why it's been around for literally thousands of years. And we're starting to get a better understanding of why it seems to be beneficial for so many aspects of life, from disease and pain management, to sleep, to control of emotions.
With that in mind, here are 20 reasons why you might want to consider incorporating mindfulness meditation into your daily life.
1. It lowers stress -- literally. Research published just last month in the journal Health Psychology shows that mindfulness is not only associated with feeling less stressed, it's also linked with decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
2. It lets us get to know our true selves. Mindfulness can help us see beyond those rose-colored glasses when we need to really objectively analyze ourselves. A study in the journal Psychological Science shows that mindfulness can help us conquer common "blind spots," which can amplify or diminish our own flaws beyond reality.
3. It can make your grades better. Researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara, found that college students who were trained in mindfulness performed better on the verbal reasoning section of the GRE, and also experienced improvements in their working memory. "Our results suggest that cultivating mindfulness is an effective and efficient technique for improving cognitive function, with widereaching consequences," the researchers wrote in the Psychological Science study.
4. It can help our troops. Militaries are in the process of seeing how mindfulness meditation training can improve troops' performance and ability to handle -- and recover from -- stress, including PTSD
5. It could help people with arthritis better handle stress. A 2011 study in the journal Annals of Rheumatic Disease shows that even though mindfulness training may not help to lessen pain for people with rheumatoid arthritis, it could help to lower their stress and fatigue.
6. It changes the brain in a protective way. University of Oregon researchers found that integrative body-mind training -- which is a meditation technique -- can actually result in brain changes that may be protective against mental illness. The meditation practice was linked with increased signaling connections in the brain, something called axonal density, as well as increased protective tissue (myelin) around the axons in the anterior cingulate brain region.
7. It works as the brain's "volume knob." Ever wondered why mindfulness meditation can make you feel more focused and zen? It's because it helps the brain to have better control over processing pain and emotions, specifically through the control of cortical alpha rhythms (which play a role in what senses our minds are attentive to), according to a study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
8. It makes music sound better. Mindfulness meditation improves our focused engagement in music, helping us to truly enjoy and experience what we're listening to, according to a study in the journal Psychology of Music.
9. It helps us even when we're not actively practicing it. You don't have to actually be meditating for it to still benefit your brain's emotional processing. That's the finding of a study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, which shows that the amygdala brain region's response to emotional stimuli is changed by meditation, and this effect occurs even when a person isn't actively meditating.
10. It has four elements that help us in different ways. The health benefits of mindfulness can be boiled down to four elements, according to a Perspectives on Psychological Science study: body awareness, self-awareness, regulation of emotion and regulation of attention.
11. It could help your doctor be better at his/her job. Doctors, listen up: Mindfulness meditation could help you better care for your patients. Research from the University of Rochester Medical Center shows that doctors who are trained in mindfulness meditation are less judgmental, more self-aware and better listeners when it comes to interacting with patients.
12. It makes you a better person. Sure, we love all the things meditation does forus. But it could also benefit people we interact with, by making us more compassionate, according to a study in the journal Psychological Science. Researchers from Northeastern and Harvard universities found that meditation is linked with more virtuous, "do-good" behavior.
13. It could make going through cancer just a little less stressful. Research from the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine shows that mindfulness coupled with art therapy can successfully decrease stress symptoms among women with breast cancer. And not only that, but imaging tests show that it is actually linked with brain changes related to stress, emotions and reward.
14. It could help the elderly feel less lonely. Loneliness among seniors can be dangerous, in that it's known to raise risks for a number of health conditions. But researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, found that mindfulness meditation helped to decrease these feelings of loneliness among the elderly, andboost their health by reducing the expression of genes linked with inflammation.
15. It could make your health care bill a little lower. Not only will your health benefit from mindfulness meditation training, but your wallet might, too. Research in the American Journal of Health Promotion shows that practicing Transcendental Meditation is linked with lower yearly doctor costs, compared with people who don't practice the meditation technique.
16. It comes in handy during cold season. Aside from practicing good hygiene, mindfulness meditation and exercise could lessen the nasty effects of colds. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Health found that people who engage in the practices miss fewer days of work from acute respiratory infections, and also experience a shortened duration and severity of symptoms.
17. It lowers depression risk among pregnant women. As many as one in five pregnant women will experience depression, but those who are at especially high risk for depression may benefit from some mindfulness yoga. "Research on the impact of mindfulness yoga on pregnant women is limited but encouraging," study researcher Dr. Maria Muzik, M.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan, said in a statement. "This study builds the foundation for further research on how yoga may lead to an empowered and positive feeling toward pregnancy."
18. It also lowers depression risk among teens. Teaching teens how to practice mindfulness through school programs could help them experience less stress, anxiety and depression, according to a study from the University of Leuven.
19. It supports your weight-loss goals. Trying to shed a few pounds to get to a healthier weight? Mindfulness could be your best friend, according to a survey of psychologists conducted by Consumer Reports and the American Psychological Association. Mindfulness training was considered an "excellent" or "good" strategy for weight loss by seven out of 10 psychologists in the survey.
20. It helps you sleep better. We saved the best for last! A University of Utah study found that mindfulness training can not only help us better control our emotions and moods, but it can also help us sleep better at night. “People who reported higher levels of mindfulness described better control over their emotions and behaviors during the day. In addition, higher mindfulness was associated with lower activation at bedtime, which could have benefits for sleep quality and future ability to manage stress," study researcher Holly Rau said in a statement.

Business Training & Coaching
- How to connect with people on a deeper level
- Create and deepen relationships
- Learn what people are thinking
- Time management
- Live passionately
- Create Rapport
- De-stress
- Attract the things you want
- Get and stay motivated!
- Build Confidence
- Create efficient team environment
- Attract Money & Abundance

Here are some studies on the effectiveness of hypnosis for IBS
More info Here!
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